Our Philosophy of Transforming Intent into Impact: Where Carbon Offsets Meet True Sustainability.
Install Blockvolt Gateway to your Green Energy Source
Capture the CO2 Emissions Saved in our Immutable Hardware
Convert the KwH and tCO2 savings to crypto assets
Connect to any Carbon Exchange and Trade
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Sign for Blockvolt
I ensure that every Co2 reduction claim or certificate is robustly verified before generating an entry in a carbon registry
I am a green energy champion and I produce energy with the power of Sun, Wind or Water and I have renewable energy certificates to SELL
I am running a energy intensive business and want to contribute to a Net Zero world by BUYING energy certificates
Register on Blockvolt Renewable Energy “Carbon Certificate” marketplace and embrace the future of Energy
Get rewarded for helping the planet !
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For the purpose of Industry Regulation, your details are required
First Name*
Last Name*
Mobile Number
The password must be at least 8 characters long and include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one numeric digit.
Confirm Password*
Adith Haridas
Jyothi Natarajan Mani
bharat Haridas
I agree to the terms & conditions
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